Storytelling solutions for those who work with young children

Posts tagged ‘apples’


Storytelling program for young children. Seasons-autumn
1:Story  2: Song 3: Rhyme 4: Activity

Story: The Three Little Pigs

Long, long ago in a land where animals could talk, there lived three little pigs. One autumn morning, when the leaves in the trees were turning yellow, they left the farm where they had been born because it was time for them to go out into the world. They said goodbye to each other and went down three different roads.

The first little pig met a man carrying straw. He asked the man for some straw to build a house. The man gave the first little pig a big bundle of straw, and the little pig quickly built himself a house of golden straw.

Then along came a big bad wolf. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in,” he called.

“No, no, by the hair of my chinny, chin chin, I’ll not let you in!”

“Ha!” said the big bad wolf, “then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!”

And he huffed and he puffed until the house of straw fell in. The wolf ate the first little pig.

The second little pig was walking along the road when he met a man with a load of sticks. “Please Sir,” he said, “can you let me have some sticks so that I can build a house?”

And the man gave the second little pig a big pile of sticks. The little pig built himself a house of sticks.

Then along came the big bad wolf: “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”

“No, no, by the hair of my chinny, chin chin, I’ll not let you in!”

“Ha!” said the big bad wolf, “then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!”

He huffed and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed until the house of straw fell in. The wolf ate the second little pig.

The third little pig met a man with a cartload of bricks. “Please sir, can I have some bricks to build myself a house?”

The man gave him some bricks. The third little pig took a long time to build his house because he wanted to make sure it was safe and strong. Not long after he had finished his house, along came the big bad wolf.

“Little pig, little pig, let me come in,” he called.

“No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I’ll not let you in!”

“Ha!” said the big bad wolf, “then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!”

And he huffed and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed but the house was strong and did not fall in. So the big bad wolf huffed some more. He huffed and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed but no matter how much he huffed the house did not fall in. The big bad wolf was angry and he decided he would try to trick the little pig into coming out of his strong brick house.

“Little pig, you are very clever like me. I’d like us to be friends. I tell you what; I know where there are some yummy turnips. I’ll call by tomorrow morning at six o’clock and take you to show you where they are.”

“Thank you, Mr Wolf. Six o’clock will be fine. Do we have to go far?”

The big bad wolf grinned and licked his lips.

“No, my friend, we are only going to the farm by the river. See you at six o’clock.”

But the little pig knew the big bad wolf was not really his friend. The next morning he did not wait until six o’clock. He went to the farm by the river at five o’clock and collected lots of turnips and took them back to his home. The big bad wolf arrived at six o’clock.

“I’ve already been to collect the turnips,” called the little pig.

The wolf was very angry but he pretended not to be. “I am glad, little pig. I hope you enjoy the turnips. I would like to help you even more. I know where there are some delicious red apples just ready to be picked from the tree. I’ll call by tomorrow morning at six o’clock and take you there.”

“Thank you, Mr Wolf. Six o’clock will be fine. Do we have to go far?”

“No, my friend, we are only going to an orchard on top of the hill near the turnip farm. See you at six o’clock.”

Once again the little pig did not wait until six o’clock. The next morning he went to the orchard on top of the hill earlier than six o’clock and even earlier than five o’clock. He went at half past four.

But this time the big bad wolf also went early. He went straight to the orchard at five o’clock. The little pig was still there. He was up in an apple tree. When he saw the wolf he pretended to be pleased to see him.

“I came early to pick some apples for you,” he called. He threw a big juicy apple to the wolf. It landed near the wolf who bent over to pick it up. The little pig quickly jumped into an apple barrel that was under the tree and rolled down the hill in the barrel and along the road to his house of bricks. He rushed inside and bolted the door.

That big bad wolf was so angry he marched down the hill and right up to the little pig’s house of bricks. He climbed up onto the roof and into the chimney.

But the little pig was ready. He had a great big pot of water on the fire. When the wolf dropped down the chimney, he fell into that pot of boiling water.

That big bad wolf was never seen again. The little pig lived in his house happily for many years and often went to get turnips from the turnip farm and apples from the orchard on the hill.

Song: Autumn leaves are falling down

Rhyme: Autumn Song by Katherine Mansfield

Now’s the time when children’s noses
All become as red as roses
And the colour of their faces
Makes me think of orchard places
Where the juicy apples grow,
And tomatoes in a row.

Activity: Make an autumn leaf